Courses coming up with Chris, Nottingham Trent University, Spring-Summer 2025
Drawing for beginners, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, January 20th-March 27th, Mondays, 6.00-8.30pm
Contemporary Life Drawing, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, March 6th-27th March, Thursdays, 6.00-8.30pm
Objects in Space: Installation Art, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, June 7th-14th, Saturdays, 10.00-4.00pm
Contemporary Life Drawing, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, June 12th- 3rd July, Thursdays, 6.00-8.30pm
Contemporary Life Drawing, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, July 10th-11th, Thursday-Friday, 10.00-4.00 (TBC)
Dance & Movement: Drawing from Life (with Emma Lewis-Jones) 15–17year-olds NTU, City Campus (and other venue/s TBC), August 4th-8th Monday-Friday, 10.00-4.00 (TBC)
For further information on Nottingham Trent University short courses, contact: [email protected]
For information on Pop-up Art school courses, contact: [email protected]
Drawing for beginners, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, January 20th-March 27th, Mondays, 6.00-8.30pm
Contemporary Life Drawing, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, March 6th-27th March, Thursdays, 6.00-8.30pm
Objects in Space: Installation Art, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, June 7th-14th, Saturdays, 10.00-4.00pm
Contemporary Life Drawing, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, June 12th- 3rd July, Thursdays, 6.00-8.30pm
Contemporary Life Drawing, NTU, Waverley Building, City Campus, July 10th-11th, Thursday-Friday, 10.00-4.00 (TBC)
Dance & Movement: Drawing from Life (with Emma Lewis-Jones) 15–17year-olds NTU, City Campus (and other venue/s TBC), August 4th-8th Monday-Friday, 10.00-4.00 (TBC)
For further information on Nottingham Trent University short courses, contact: [email protected]
For information on Pop-up Art school courses, contact: [email protected]
Courses coming up with Chris,
Belper Pop-up Art School, 2025
The Art of Psychogeography
Belper Pop-up Art School, Number 28, Market Place Belper,
Sunday February 16th
10.00-3.00pm. £50 on the door, £40 in advance. All materials provided.
For information on Pop-up Art school courses, contact: [email protected]
Fleet Community Hub, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1NU, Sunday 12th January 2025.
Fleet Folkloric Forum is offering to donate a number of fruit trees to residents of The Fleet area of Belper . The procession will start outside The Flub (Fleet Community Hub) at 6.00 pm and will culminate in a supervised Christmas tree burning ceremony on Fleet Green at 7.30 pm. Saucepans (and wooden spoons), torches, breadcrumbs, instruments and a hobby horses are welcome!
*Wassail (Old English for ‘be well!’) is an ancient fertility ritual involving the blessing of apple and other fruit-bearing trees and
the driving away of evil spirits with ‘rude musik and much merriment’!
Being Present:
The Great British Tea Break
Bethlem Gallery, Monks Orchard Road, London BR3 3BX
30 January – 13 May 2023
preview (and performance) 27.01.23 workshop on 25.03.23
Open 10am – 5pm, Wednesday-Saturday
Being Present is a group exhibition and event presenting work by artists based at Bethlem Gallery in London and Primary in Nottingham. The exhibition shows work produced by four pairs of artists over a 2-year period and explores both what it means to ‘be present’ and the experience of virtual and face-to-face collaboration.
The Great British Tea Break | Michelle Baharier & Chris Lewis-Jones
Frank Abbott & Mr X, Michelle Bahrier & Chris Lewis-Jones,
Courtney & Roger Suckling, Fatma Durmush & Jo Wheeler
[email protected] 02032 284 101
Fleet Community Hub, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1NU, Sunday 12th January 2025.
Fleet Folkloric Forum is offering to donate a number of fruit trees to residents of The Fleet area of Belper . The procession will start outside The Flub (Fleet Community Hub) at 6.00 pm and will culminate in a supervised Christmas tree burning ceremony on Fleet Green at 7.30 pm. Saucepans (and wooden spoons), torches, breadcrumbs, instruments and a hobby horses are welcome!
*Wassail (Old English for ‘be well!’) is an ancient fertility ritual involving the blessing of apple and other fruit-bearing trees and
the driving away of evil spirits with ‘rude musik and much merriment’!
Being Present:
The Great British Tea Break
Bethlem Gallery, Monks Orchard Road, London BR3 3BX
30 January – 13 May 2023
preview (and performance) 27.01.23 workshop on 25.03.23
Open 10am – 5pm, Wednesday-Saturday
Being Present is a group exhibition and event presenting work by artists based at Bethlem Gallery in London and Primary in Nottingham. The exhibition shows work produced by four pairs of artists over a 2-year period and explores both what it means to ‘be present’ and the experience of virtual and face-to-face collaboration.
The Great British Tea Break | Michelle Baharier & Chris Lewis-Jones
Frank Abbott & Mr X, Michelle Bahrier & Chris Lewis-Jones,
Courtney & Roger Suckling, Fatma Durmush & Jo Wheeler
[email protected] 02032 284 101
post exhibition seminar and sharing
Dates: Thursday 14 December, 2.15 – 4.15PM Booking: Limited spaces, book here Primary Nottingham 14.12.23 |
Instruments of Domestic Ritual
8th July – 4th October 2022
(preview on Thursday 7th July)
Market Place, Belper, Derbyshire
01773 825693 [email protected]
[email protected]
A life in the day of pretend lighthouse keeper
by Bob Sea Dog
The Old Library Theatre
Thursday 28th April
one night only!
Contemporary Life Drawing, Nottingham Trent University
11 – 18 June 2022, Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm, two weeks
8 – 9 August 2022 Monday and Tuesday 10 am – 4 pm, two days
29 October – 5 November 2022, Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm, two weeks
For further info contact- [email protected]
Drawing for Beginners, Nottingham Trent University
25 – 29 July 2022, Monday to Friday 10 am – 4 pm, one week
3 October – 21 November 2022, Mondays 6.00 am – 8.30 pm
For further info contact- [email protected]
Beating the Bounds
We (Ian Pringle, Chris Lewis-Jones and Alex Begg) at Fleet Folkloric Forum hope that those who live within striking distance of the Fleet area of Belper in Derbyshire will join us for our annual ‘Beating the Bounds’ ritual on Sunday March 19th. 2023. We shall assemble at Fleet Green at 2.00pm before making out way to Coppice Brook, where we’ll toast the water and beat the bridge…before ambling up to the spring trough on Becksitch Lane…once we’ve toasted the water there, we’ll cross The Fleet and make our way through St John’s Wood to the Green, where we started…toasting, anointing and beating bollards and boundary features along the way ‘with broom and with stick’.
Next event
May Day Play Day...
Fleet Green DE56 1NU
on May 1st 2023!
We (Ian Pringle, Chris Lewis-Jones and Alex Begg) at Fleet Folkloric Forum hope that those who live within striking distance of the Fleet area of Belper in Derbyshire will join us for our annual ‘Beating the Bounds’ ritual on Sunday March 19th. 2023. We shall assemble at Fleet Green at 2.00pm before making out way to Coppice Brook, where we’ll toast the water and beat the bridge…before ambling up to the spring trough on Becksitch Lane…once we’ve toasted the water there, we’ll cross The Fleet and make our way through St John’s Wood to the Green, where we started…toasting, anointing and beating bollards and boundary features along the way ‘with broom and with stick’.
Next event
May Day Play Day...
Fleet Green DE56 1NU
on May 1st 2023!
Don’t Frott on my Parade
Kingshurst Parade B937 6BA
Saturday March 5th, 2022, 10.30am-3.30 pm
Primary artist Chris Lewis-Jones has been commissioned by Parrabbola to make a series of large-scale collaborative (frottage) drawings with residents of Kinghurst near Birmingham.
The compositions will be a record of the much-loved and soon to be missed Kingshurst Parade Shopping Arcade in North Solihull (eight miles east of Birmingham city centre) immediately prior to its demolition. The finished drawings, along with photographic documentation by Greg Goodale, will be exhibited in libraries in the Birmingham area during the coming months.
For further information [email protected] [email protected]
Kingshurst Parade B937 6BA
Saturday March 5th, 2022, 10.30am-3.30 pm
Primary artist Chris Lewis-Jones has been commissioned by Parrabbola to make a series of large-scale collaborative (frottage) drawings with residents of Kinghurst near Birmingham.
The compositions will be a record of the much-loved and soon to be missed Kingshurst Parade Shopping Arcade in North Solihull (eight miles east of Birmingham city centre) immediately prior to its demolition. The finished drawings, along with photographic documentation by Greg Goodale, will be exhibited in libraries in the Birmingham area during the coming months.
For further information [email protected] [email protected]
Nottingham Trent University, Contemporary Drawing for Beginners
(plus Life Drawing weekends)
every Monday 6 - 8.30 pm, eight weeks from 07.01.2022. For further info contact- [email protected]
Being Human/Documenting the Domestic
Residency at University of Lincoln, as part of the Being Human Festival. I shall be taking up residence in the Waterside Shopping Centre in Lincoln on 12th and 13th November 2021, where I shall invite members of the public to make giant collaborative frottage drawings that will be a record of the surfaces and textures of the city centre. We shall also undertake written exercises, and combine the visual with the literary in an exhibition that will open on Saturday 20th November. The activities are free and not confined to the citizens of Lincoln (all are welcome)!
Surfaces of the Shire
Touring exhibition of large frottage
drawings produced in locations across Nottinghamshire (an Inspire Nottinghamshire commission).
Worksop Library Gallery,
Tuesday 25 May-Tuesday 29 June,
Mansfield Central Library Gallery,
Friday 2 July-Sunday 5 September,
West Bridgford Gallery, Nottingham
Tuesday 2 November-16 December
seven days a week (more dates to follow)
Art Walk
Saturday 19th June, documented derive, from Primary, meet outside at 10.00 am. Contact [email protected] to donate (£20)
Art Walk
Saturday 20th June, 12.00-2.30, documented derive, from the Left Lion in Nottingham’s historic Old Market Square to Nottingham Contemporary. The project is part Refugee week, but anyone is welcome to attend (translators are available). Contact to book or, for more info- (free)
Frottage Walk
Saturday 3rd July around central Boston, part of the launch of the Boston Buoys Project. Meet at Central Park at 12.30 (free). For further info contact-
Frottage Walk
Saturday 10th July (TBC) around central Boston, part of the launch of the Etched in Time Project. Meet at Central Park at 12.30 (free).
NTU Summer School, Drawing for Beginners, every day from 26th-30th July. We shall explore traditional, innovative and contemporary approaches to drawing. Fee-£350 for the whole week. For further info contact- [email protected]
Exploring (adult classes)
aspects of Contemporary art with Chris Lewis-Jones and Charlotte Tupper, on-line course, every Tuesday evening in November. £15 per session or £45 for the course. For further info contact- [email protected]
the GREAT British Rea Break
'facilitating conviviality' with Michelle Baharier and Chris Lewis-Jones
performative interventions in London and Nottingham, starting at Bethel Gallery in London on 09.10.21 (TBC)
(plus Life Drawing weekends)
every Monday 6 - 8.30 pm, eight weeks from 07.01.2022. For further info contact- [email protected]
Being Human/Documenting the Domestic
Residency at University of Lincoln, as part of the Being Human Festival. I shall be taking up residence in the Waterside Shopping Centre in Lincoln on 12th and 13th November 2021, where I shall invite members of the public to make giant collaborative frottage drawings that will be a record of the surfaces and textures of the city centre. We shall also undertake written exercises, and combine the visual with the literary in an exhibition that will open on Saturday 20th November. The activities are free and not confined to the citizens of Lincoln (all are welcome)!
Surfaces of the Shire
Touring exhibition of large frottage
drawings produced in locations across Nottinghamshire (an Inspire Nottinghamshire commission).
Worksop Library Gallery,
Tuesday 25 May-Tuesday 29 June,
Mansfield Central Library Gallery,
Friday 2 July-Sunday 5 September,
West Bridgford Gallery, Nottingham
Tuesday 2 November-16 December
seven days a week (more dates to follow)
Art Walk
Saturday 19th June, documented derive, from Primary, meet outside at 10.00 am. Contact [email protected] to donate (£20)
Art Walk
Saturday 20th June, 12.00-2.30, documented derive, from the Left Lion in Nottingham’s historic Old Market Square to Nottingham Contemporary. The project is part Refugee week, but anyone is welcome to attend (translators are available). Contact to book or, for more info- (free)
Frottage Walk
Saturday 3rd July around central Boston, part of the launch of the Boston Buoys Project. Meet at Central Park at 12.30 (free). For further info contact-
Frottage Walk
Saturday 10th July (TBC) around central Boston, part of the launch of the Etched in Time Project. Meet at Central Park at 12.30 (free).
NTU Summer School, Drawing for Beginners, every day from 26th-30th July. We shall explore traditional, innovative and contemporary approaches to drawing. Fee-£350 for the whole week. For further info contact- [email protected]
Exploring (adult classes)
aspects of Contemporary art with Chris Lewis-Jones and Charlotte Tupper, on-line course, every Tuesday evening in November. £15 per session or £45 for the course. For further info contact- [email protected]
the GREAT British Rea Break
'facilitating conviviality' with Michelle Baharier and Chris Lewis-Jones
performative interventions in London and Nottingham, starting at Bethel Gallery in London on 09.10.21 (TBC)
As part of my Ignite Futures commission, exploring art and science, I am running two workshops at Primary that might interest you. The workshops will aim to explore the science behind food using art. The artworks will be framed within pizza boxes and exhibited as part of the Festival of Science & Curiosity 2021.
The workshops are free and will take place at Primary on Tuesday 12th January, from 6.30-8.30pm, and on Tuesday 19th January, from 1.30-3.30pm.
Because of Covid restrictions, we can accommodate just six participants for each, and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The workshops will be in Project Space 1, which is on the ground floor of Primary. For those who may not be familiar with the venue, Primary is located on the corner of Seeley Road and Ilkeston Road in Radford. NG7 1NU.
To book a place, simply email me with your preferred date.
I shall be running an
Acrylics Now!
short course at Nottingham Trent University every Wednesday evening from 14th October- 10th December 2020.
This course is ideal for adult students who are new to acrylics and also those who want to widen their experience.
To book a place or find out more, contact
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)115 848 2813
Acrylics Now!
short course at Nottingham Trent University every Wednesday evening from 14th October- 10th December 2020.
This course is ideal for adult students who are new to acrylics and also those who want to widen their experience.
To book a place or find out more, contact
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)115 848 2813