I am a celebrant and event facilitator. I have acted as a celebrant at weddings, funerals, and naming ceremonies. I have also officiated at maypole blessings, wassailing, bound beating and related folkloric rites and rituals. I have worked with atheists, Pagans, Sikhs and Buddhists to facilitate and co-facilitate events and am happy to do this. I trained as non-religious pastor with the (then) British Humanist Association. My own philosophy could be summarized as neo humanist and earth-centric.
Ideally, I help those celebrating to design their own celebrations, but I’m also happy to drop in on the day and do whatever is felt to be appropriate, by all parties.
Ideally, I help those celebrating to design their own celebrations, but I’m also happy to drop in on the day and do whatever is felt to be appropriate, by all parties.